Question: When should we start bringing our child to shul?
Answer: The Gemara (Chagiga 3a) writes that the
reason why children were also supposed to assemble at hakhel was to
‘bring reward to those who brought them’. Tosafos comments that this is the
source for bringing children to shul.
The Shulchan Aruch (OC 124:7) writes that one should teach his
young children to answer amen. The Magen Avraham (OC 124:11) however
cautions that children must be trained to behave respectfully if coming to shul.
If they are going to run around, it is best not to bring them. The Mishna
Berura (96:4) writes that one shouldn’t daven with a young child in
front of them as they will likely distract them.
The Shulchan Aruch (OC 689:1) writes that
children should listen to the megilla being read on Purim. The Mishna
Berura (689:3) writes that this is only applicable to children who have reached
the age of chinuch. The Chafetz Chaim bemoans the unfortunate reality
that many parents bring their younger children who disturb everyone else (See
Biur Halacha 689:6).
The Shelah
(quoted in the Mishna Berura 98:3) strongly criticised parents who bring their
young children into shul. Not only are they disturbing others who are davening
and being disrespectful to the shul, but as they grow up, they will
continue to talk and be disrespectful. Certainly, when they are mature enough
to be respectful, parents should bring them and educate them about tefilla.
The Shaarei
Teshuva (OC 104:1) writes that if a child is disturbing one from davening
properly and signalling to them doesn’t help, then one should move away from
them even while davening the shemone esrei. Thus, if a child is
disturbing in shul, their parent should take them out immediately.
In conclusion, while it
is great to bring children to shul when they grow up and are old enough
to be quiet and respectful, shuls should create children services for
younger children to attend rather than attend shul.
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