Is there anything wrong in driving to shul after my wife has lit the
Shabbos candles? Can I do melacha for her?
The Rema (OC 263:10) writes that while women are mekabel Shabbos on
themselves when they light, that doesn’t affect others in their home. Thus,
others may continue to do melacha until they accept Shabbos. The Mishna
Berura (261:31) writes that when one davens kabbalas Shabbos, they
automatically are mekabel Shabbos.
The Shulchan
Aruch (OC 263:17) writes that one who has accepted Shabbos early may ask
another Jew who hasn’t yet accepted Shabbos to do a melacha on their
behalf. Likewise, one may ask another who had recited havdala at the end
of Shabbos to do a melacha for them if they are still observing Shabbos,
providing that they aren’t following Rabbeinu Tam’s later zeman (See
Piskei Teshuvos 263:44).
Each kehilla
has its own minhag as to how long before shekia (sunset) they
light Shabbos candles and are mekabel Shabbos. R’ Moshe Feinstein (Igros
Moshe OC 2:6) writes that the reason why we are mekabel Shabbos so long
before shekia is to fulfil the halacha of tosefes Shabbos,
adding from the weekday onto Shabbos (See Shulchan Aruch OC 261:2). While
Rambam (quoted in Biur Halacha 261) holds that tosefes Shabbos is miderabanan,
according to some poskim, it is mideoraisa (See Tosafos Moed
Katan 4a; Ohr Zarua, Erev Shabbos 14). Thus, while one can do melacha up
until shekia if absolutely necessary, one should be most particular to
keep to the minhag of their kehilla and light by the time printed
on the luach (See Igros Moshe OC 3:38).
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