Question: What can one do if they get soaked in the rain
over Shabbos? Can they stand next to the radiator and hang their wet clothes
Answer: The Shulchan Aruch (OC 301:46) writes
that one can’t dry wet clothes next to a fire on Shabbos. The Magen Avraham
explains that it is forbidden both because of bishul (cooking or
heating) as well as melaben (whitening or improving the colour).
Thus, the Mishna Berura (301:169) writes that one can’t stand next to a
heater while wearing wet clothes. This only applies if the water could get
heated up to yad soledes bo (approx. 43 °C, See Igros Moshe OC 4:74).
The Mishna (Shabbos 146b)
writes that it is prohibited miderabanan to lay out wet clothes to dry
on Shabbos. Rashi explains that it will give the impression that it is
permissible to wash them on Shabbos. Thus, the Shulchan Aruch (OC
301:45) writes that one mustn’t hang wet clothes up normally to dry even where
others won’t be able to see them.
R’ Yehoshua
Neuwirth (Shemiras Shabbos Kehilchasa 15:35; n119) writes that one may, however,
hang up a wet raincoat as everyone will realize that it became wet in the rain.
Similarly, R’ Dovid Ribiat (The 39 Melochos, p719) writes that this
prohibition doesn’t apply to clothes that aren’t normally washed, as people
won’t suspect they’ve been washed. Thus, one may hang up a jacket that is
normally dry-cleaned.
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