Question: I am helping to organize a concert
on Chanuka and have been asked to light the menora. Should I do so with
a beracha?
Answer: The
Rivash (111) writes that the mitzva to light the menora includes
lighting it at the entrance to one’s home for pirsumei nisa, to publicize the miracle. As
we generally light indoors nowadays, it is important that we also participate
in a public lighting.
However, R’ Yitzchak
Yaakov Weiss (Minchas Yitzchak 6:65:3) and R’ Eliezer Waldenberg (Tzitz Eliezer 15:30) explain that the
mitzva of lighting the menora only applies to lighting in one’s
home. While we have the minhag nowadays to light in shul with a beracha, that was not unanimous among the poskim.
Thus, we cannot extend this minhag to light at parties, etc. with a beracha.
R’ Moshe Sternbuch (Teshuvos Vehanhagos 1:398) adds that if one davens
in a minyan outside a shul, or attends a wedding, there is no
need to light a menora. If one chooses to do so, they must do so
without saying a beracha. R’ Shmuel Wosner
(Shevet Halevi 4:65) points out that as the mitzva is to light at home,
one would not fulfil one’s obligation at such a lighting. The minhag to
light in shul is reminiscent of
lighting the menora in the Beis Hamikdash. Thus, even if one
knows that there will be someone present who will not be lighting at home, it
does not help to recite a beracha on their behalf.
Nonetheless, R’ Ovadia
Yosef (Yabia Omer OC 7:57:6) writes that while most poskim write that
one should light in public locations without reciting a beracha, one may
do so with a beracha if they want to. Ideally, they should daven
maariv with a minyan and light beforehand, as one would in shul. R’
Binyamin Zilber (Az Nidberu 5:37; 6:75) writes that lighting in shuls nowadays ensures that we are
fulfilling the mitzva properly. Lighting in a public place where others
may not have lit is even more important than lighting at shul and one
who does so should light the menora with a beracha.
In conclusion, one lighting a menora at a concert on
Chanuka can say a beracha, especially if they know that there will be
people present who have not lit a menorah. It is ideal to daven maariv
there and light first.
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