Sunday, 30 November 2014

Announcing Yaaleh Veyavo

Question: What are the halachic guidelines for reminding others to recite yaaleh veyavo on Rosh Chodesh? Is it permissible to say ‘yaaleh veyavo’ loudly during shemoneh esrei?

Answer: The Gemara (Berachos 9b) teaches that one must not interrupt between the beracha of geula (redemption) and the amida during shacharis and maariv.

The Shulchan Aruch (OC 236:2) states that before the amida, the chazan announces ‘Rosh Chodesh’ to remind the congregation to recite yaaleh veyavo. Since this is essential for tefilla, it is not considered an unnecessary hefsek (see Shut Harashba 1:293). However, the Mishna Berura (Shaar Hatziyun 236:4) clarifies that this practice applies only to maariv. During shacharis, even the slightest interruption before the amida is prohibited (see Taz OC 114:2).

The Kaf Hachaim (OC 236:16) writes that the chazan may say the words ‘yaaleh veyavo’ aloud while saying his own amida, even beginning his amida early if necessary. However, R’ Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichos Shlomo, Rosh Chodesh 1:1) ruled that only the chazan or gabbai should do so. Others may hint to someone as a reminder but should not announce it aloud. Similarly, R’ Moshe Stern (Ba’er Moshe 4:10) writes that while anyone may say ‘yaaleh veyavo’ loudly, no one else should repeat it afterward.

The Kaf Hachaim (OC 236:17) notes that in Yerushalayim, the minhag is not to make any announcements. Elsewhere, it is permissible to announce ‘yaaleh veyavo’ during maariv, but not less significant additions such as al hanissim. However, the Mishna Berura (236:7) permits all such announcements (see Magen Avraham 236:1).

In conclusion, the gabbai may bang on the table before the amida during shacharis and may say the first few words of yaaleh veyavo aloud while reciting his amida, though others should refrain from doing so. In many shuls, the gabbai announces ‘yaaleh veyavo’ before the amida of mincha and maariv.

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