Sunday, 21 January 2024

Mezuza Upgrade

Question: I had my mezuzos checked and found out that a couple of them are not the best quality. Do I recite a new beracha when replacing them with better ones?

Answer: The Aruch Hashulchan (YD 289:4) writes that if one removes their mezuza to check it, they do not recite a new beracha if they reaffix it that same day. However, if the mezuza was passul and had to be replaced, one must recite a new beracha. There is a machlokes however as to whether one recites a new beracha when replacing a kosher mezuza with another one.

The Maharam Schick (YD 285) compares this to tzitzis. The Rema (OC 8:12) writes that if one removed one’s tzitzis and donned a new pair one recites a new beracha. So too, one replacing a mezuza must recite a new beracha.

However, R’ Shimon Greenfeld (Maharshag YD 1:57) disagrees, arguing that there is a difference between mezuza and tallis. One who was wearing a tallis and later decided to don a second pair would have to recite a new beracha as each pair is a separate mitzva. However, one cannot add a second mezuza to a doorway. Rather, he compares switching a mezuza to one blowing shofar on Rosh Hashana who has to switch shofar in the middle, whereby one would not recite a new beracha.

Nonetheless, R’ Avraham Dovid Wahrman (Daas Kedoshim 289:4), R’ Shraga Feivish Schneebalg (Shraga Hameir 1:39), R’ Yaakov Yeshaya Blau (Chovas Hadar 11:14) and R’ Shmuel Wosner (Shevet Halevi 2:158:4) write that we pasken like the Maharam Schick and recite a new beracha.

In conclusion, if one replaces one’s old mezuza with another, one recites a new beracha.

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