Question: I watched a Rabbi sing havdala
online and noticed that he looked at his hands before saying the beracha
over the candle. Don’t we usually recite the beracha before performing
the mitzva or benefitting from anything?
Answer: The
Mishna (Berachos 51b) teaches that
one shouldn’t recite the beracha of meorai haeish unless they benefit from the light of
the candle. The Gemara (Berachos 53b) cites a machlokes as to whether one needs to benefit from
the light or if it is sufficient for it to be bright, and a further machlokes
as to what is considered benefitting. Following this, Rambam (Shabbos 29:25)
and the Shulchan Aruch (OC 289:4) write that one needs to actually benefit from
the flame and it must be bright enough that one can differentiate between
different types of currency. The Tur (OC 298:1) notes that nowadays we look at
our hands, particularly as we don’t have money on us.
R’ Asher Weiss (Bereishis 2:2) explains that there is a machlokes
as to how to classify the beracha of meorai haeish said over the
flame. According to the Kol Bo (41) it is considered to be a birchas
hanehenin, a beracha that one says before partaking of something
such as food. Tosafos (Pesachim 53b) and Ramban (Berachos 51b) write, however,
that this beracha serves simply to remind us that fire was created on motzaei
Shabbos. Alternately, R’ Weiss suggests that it may be a beracha of shevach,
Following this, there is a machlokes as to whether we
say the beracha before or after looking at our hands. The Taz (298:2)
writes that according to the Shibolei Haleket (Shabbos 130) one would look at
one’s hands before reciting the beracha. The Mishna Berura (296:31) also
writes that this is the correct order.
R’ Moshe Feinstein (Igros Moshe OC 5:9:9)
however (in a teshuva to Dayan Krausz), challenges this, writing that common practice is to recite the beracha
first and that is how the Yaavetz and Gra paskened (See Rivevos Ephraim
In conclusion, while some
people say the beracha after looking at their hands, the mainstream
practice is to recite the beracha first.
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