Answer: Rambam (Shabbos 3:11) writes that one mustn’t put a ladle into a
pot while it is on the flame on Shabbos as doing so stirs the food which aids
the cooking. The Maggid Mishna explains that while it may not properly stir the
food, chazal were concerned that one may come to stir it properly. Thus,
the Shulchan
Aruch (OC 252:1; 318:18) writes that one mustn’t stir food or remove any from a
pot on the stove while it is still cooking.
The Mishna Berura (318:113) writes that while the Shulchan Aruch allows
removing fully cooked food while it is still on the flame, the Elya Rabba
writes that one should remove it from the flame first in deference of the
minority opinion (Kol Bo quoted in Shaar Hatziyun 318:136) which maintains that
stirring fully cooked food is assur mideoraisa (see Biur Halacha 318).
The Chazon Ish (OC 37:15) and R’ Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss (Minchas Yitzchak
5:127:6), however, write that if the food was directly on the flame and so one
wouldn’t be able to remove the pot and replace it, then they can follow the
Shulchan Aruch and remove the food from the pot providing it was fully cooked (See
Shabbos Kehilchasa 1:32).
Following this, R’ Shmuel Wosner (Shevet Halevi 10:11:2) writes that if one
had a pot that was too heavy to move off the flame, one could take from it
directly, though one should be careful not to stir it.
Likewise, R’ Benzion Abba Shaul (Ohr Letzion 2:30:15) writes that if one
needs to leave the pot on the flame for mitzva purposes, such as for seuda
shelishis, late guests or children who wanted to eat later, then one can
take food out of the pot while it is still on the flame.
R’ Moshe Feinstein (Igros
Moshe OC 4:74 Bishul 9), however, disagrees, writing that even if the pot was
heavy it must be removed from the flame before taking any. If the pot was on a blech
or hotplate, however, then one may take from the pot, providing that the flame
isn’t hot enough to have cooked it or warmed it up by itself (ibid. 11).
In conclusion, one may take some soup from a heavy
pot if it is too difficult to remove, though one should be careful not to stir
it. When possible, one should remove the pot.
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