Answer: There is a machlokes among the rishonim
as to whether the rule ‘ein bishul achar bishul, something that has been
cooked cannot be cooked again’, applies to liquids as well as solids. Rambam (Shabbos 9:3), Rashba (Shabbos 40b) and Ran (Shabbos 19a) write that it applies to
liquids, too and so there would be no issur mideoraisa to reheat liquids
(See Beis Yosef OC 318:4). The Shulchan Aruch (OC 318:4), however, follows Rashi
(Shabbos 34a), Rabbeinu Yonah and the Rosh (Shabbos 3:11), who holds that
reheating liquids is bishul (See Biur Halacha 318:4).
The Gemara
(Kesubos 34a, Chullin 15a)
writes that if one transgressed a melacha on Shabbos, there is a machlokes
as to whether they or others can benefit from it on Shabbos or afterwards. The
Gemara discusses whether this prohibition is mideoraisa or miderabanan.
Rambam (Shabbos 6:23) and the
Shulchan Aruch (OC 318:1)
follow R’ Yehuda and write that if one accidentally cooked food on Shabbos,
everyone must wait until after Shabbos to eat it. The Vilna Gaon (Biur Hagra, OC
318:1), however, follows Tosafos and others who pasken like R’ Meir, who
holds that may one eat such food on Shabbos.
The Mishna Berura
(318:7) writes that while we should generally follow the Shulchan Aruch on this, if necessary, one
can rely on the Vilna Gaon. Thus, if this was one’s main dish for their Shabbos
meal, one could still serve it.
The Pri Megadim (Eshel Avraham 318:10) and Mishna Berura
(318:2) write that when there is a machlokes as to whether something is
an issur or not, one doesn’t need to wait to benefit from it. Following
the opinion in the Gemara that this prohibition against benefitting from
forbidden melacha is miderabanan, we apply the rule of safek derabanan
lekula, we are lenient in matters of Rabbinic doubt. As there are rishonim
who maintain that ‘ein bishul achar
bishul’ applies equally to liquids, one who accidentally reheated a liquid
would not have to wait to eat it.
In conclusion, one may serve food containing liquid that was
accidentally reheated on Shabbos.
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