Answer: The Mishna Berura (146:15) writes
that there is a machlokes as to whether the tzibbur should
normally read along with the baal korei. According to the Shelah and
Gra, one should follow without reading, while the Mateh Moshe writes that by
reading along quietly one will be able to concentrate better.
The Shulchan Aruch (OC 141:2) writes that the one called up
to the Torah must read along as otherwise he would be saying his berachos
The Taz (OC 141:2) challenges why the one receiving the aliya
can’t say the beracha on the baal korei’s behalf as we have a
rule (Gemara Berachos 21b; Sukka 38b) shomea keoneh, that one can fulfil
one’s obligation by listening. Thus, the Gra (OC 139:3) disagrees, writing that
the one called up for his aliya should not read along quietly. R’ Moshe
Sternbuch (Teshuvos
Vehanhagos 1:399) writes, however, that we pasken like the Shulchan
Aruch, and one called up for an aliya must read along.
As listening to parshas zachor is mideoraisa,
there is a machlokes as to whether this applies.
R’ Chaim Elazar Shapira (Minchas Elazar
2:1:10) writes that as there is a mitzva mideoraisa to remember amalek,
everyone should read along parshas zachor quietly with
the baal korei rather than relying on shomea
R’ Ovadia Yosef (Yechave Daas 3:53), however, quotes the Pri Chadash (OC
67:1) and the Netziv (Meshiv Davar OC 47:128) who maintain that the tzibbur
should follow along quietly (See Piskei Teshuvos 685:7).
This is so important that according to
some poskim even the one called up for the aliya of parshas
zachor should remain silent. Thus, R’ Ephraim Greenblatt (Rivevos
Epraim 7:344) writes that when R’ Moshe Feinstein was called up for parshas zachor,
he would listen quietly to the baal korei. R’ Moshe Sternbuch
explains that the reason for reading parshas zachor is
different to the regular leining where the reason is for the tzibbur
to hear the parsha. Thus, while according to the Shulchan Aruch,
remaining quiet would usually constitute a beracha levatala, here it
wouldn’t, as he is being yotze with shomea keoneh just like
everybody else.
Nonetheless, R’ Ephraim Greenblatt (Rivevos Ephraim 1:447) writes that
it is ideal for the one who is called up to read along quietly with the ball
In conclusion, the tzibbur should be quiet while parshas
zachor is being read. In some shuls even the one
receiving the aliya doesn’t read along with the baal korei.
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