Question: I have
always said shehecheyanu when lighting my Yom Tov candles. What should I
do when my husband says shehecheyanu when reciting kiddush?
Answer: Rambam
(Shabbos 29:23) paskens that one should say shehecheyanu every
night of Yom Tov except for the seventh (and eighth) night of Pesach.
R’ Yaakov Emden (She’elas Yaavetz 107)
writes that while many ladies are accustomed to saying shehecheyanu when
lighting, the Gemara (Sukka 47b) writes
that this beracha should ideally be said when
reciting kiddush. He notes that his own wife said the beracha then
and as it can be said at any time over Yom Tov there is no need to prevent
women from doing so. Nonetheless, it isn’t the ideal time, and it is best to
wait for kiddush to say / hear it.
Thus, while the Mateh Ephraim (581:54, 599:9, 619:4)
writes that women should say shehecheyanu when lighting candles, the Mishna
Berura (263:23), Aruch Hashulchan (OC 263:12) and R’
Yehoshua Neuwirth (Shemiras Shabbos Kehilchasa 44:4) write that it isn’t the
ideal time to, though one shouldn’t prevent women from doing so.
R’ Moshe Feinstein (Igros Moshe OC 4:101:1) likewise
points out that while this practice may have no basis, women have been saying shehecheyanu
when lighting for hundreds of years and so should continue doing
so if it their practice. On the other hand, R’ Ovadia Yosef (Yechave Daas 3:34) writes that we should discourage
women from saying shehecheyanu then, instead waiting for kiddush.
R’ Eliezer Waldenberg (Tzitz Eliezer
14:53), however, writes that all women should be encouraged to say shehecheyanu when lighting. He writes
that this is true of sefardim, too, noting that the Ben Ish Chai
recorded that this was the practice in Baghdad.
A woman who said shehecheyanu when
lighting who later said kiddush must ensure not to repeat shehecheyanu.
There is a machlokes, however, as to whether
she should say amen to another saying shehecheyanu during kiddush.
R’ Zvi Pesach Frank (Har Tzvi OC 1:154) writes that
as she has already said shehecheyanu, answering amen now would
constitute a hefsek, interruption.
R’ Shmuel Wosner (Shevet Halevi 3:69) writes that answering amen would
not be a hefsek on Pesach and Sukkos as while she will have said shehecheyanu upon
lighting the candles, the shehecheyanu in kiddush applies to other
mitzvos including matza and sukka. Thus, one should say amen
only on Pesach
and Sukkos.
R’ Moshe Feinstein (Igros
Moshe ibid; OC 4:21:9) and R’ Yaakov
Kamenetsky (Emes L’yaakov OC 263) however, explain why answering amen would not be a hefsek
at all, irrespective of what yom tov it was (See Rivevos Ephraim 1:182; 8:182:1).
In conclusion, women should say shehecheyanu
when lighting Yom Tov candles, though men who light should only say shehecheyanu
when saying kiddush. Women who recite kiddush should not repeat shehecheyanu,
though there are different opinions as to whether they should answer amen
upon hearing shehecheyanu again.
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