Question: I am eating out on Friday night and won't return until very late. I’m concerned about leaving my menora burning unattended for that long. Is it a problem if I’m not home during the first half hour after the menora is lit?
Answer: Since we light the menora
earlier than usual on Friday, we must ensure that there is enough oil or
that the candles are long enough to burn for at least half an hour after tzeis
hakochavim. The Chayei Adam (2:154:18) writes that if one does not provide
enough oil or candles to burn for this duration, the mitzva has not been
fulfilled. R’ Yaakov Katz (Shev Yaakov OC 22) writes that remaining with
the menora for half an hour is an integral part of the mitzva of
lighting the menora. Thus, we recite "ein lanu reshus.. ela
lirosam bilvad," indicating that while we are not allowed to benefit
from the lights, we should stay to see them (see Yalkut Yosef 677:2).
the Aruch Hashulchan (OC 673:3) writes that one should not light their menora
with fuel that emits an unpleasant odour, as it may cause people to leave
the room. Following this, R’ Ephraim Greenblatt (Rivevos Ephraim 8:266:4) stresses
the importance of remaining in the room with the menora for half an hour
while it is lit.
Moshe Sternbuch (Teshuvos Vehanhagos 1:394) quotes the Chavos Yair
(Mekor Chaim 672), who writes that remaining with the menora for half an
hour is an integral part of the mitzva. R’ Sternbuch adds that while this
is a commendable practice, it isn’t an essential part of the mitzva itself,
though he encourages people to do so, especially if there are young children present.
conclusion, so long as one ensures that the lights can burn for half an hour
after tzeis hakochavim, it is not strictly necessary to stay with the menora.
However, it is commendable to remain with the lights for that period.
thank you