If I stay up all night learning on Shavuos, what should I
do about birchos hatorah?
The Magen Avraham (494:1) quotes the midrash that
relates how the bnei Yisrael slept in on the morning of kabbalas
hatorah and had to be woken up. To rectify this, we stay up each Shavuos
night, learning Torah, preparing ourselves to receive the Torah anew.
Mishna Berura (47:28) addresses the issue of whether one who has not slept may
recite birchos hatorah. Given
the machlokes on this matter, one should either listen to someone else
(who has slept) recite the berachos or have the intention to fulfil the beracha
while saying ahava rabba, and
then learn immediately after shacharis. R' Akiva Eiger maintained that
one who had slept in bed during the day for at least half an hour is considered
to have slept and may recite all the berachos as usual.
Sefardim follow the rulings of the Kaf Hachaim (OC 46:49) and R’
Ovadia Yosef (Yabia Omer OC 5:6; Yechave Daas 3:33) and recite the berachos
Regarding the beracha
of al netilas yadayim, the Mishna
Berura (4:30) writes that due to the machlokes (Rema OC 4:13;
Aruch Hashulchan OC 4:12), one should wash their hands after excusing oneself
just before shacharis and recite the beracha then.
than recite the beracha on his own tzitzis, one should listen to another
who is saying it or borrow a tallis and recite the beracha on
that (Mishna Berura 8:42; Rivevos Ephraim 8:500:18).
the berachos of Elokai neshama and hama'avir sheina both
refer to waking up, one should ideally listen to someone else who had slept
recite them. Failing that, the Mishna Berura (47:30) advises that one
should say these berachos without Hashem’s name. R’ Ephraim Greenblatt
(Rivevos Ephraim 8:500:14) notes that Sefardim may say these berachos
the other birchos hashachar, the Mishna Berura (46:22) writes
that one should say them all oneself, as they are all berachos praising
Hashem and not dependent on personal circumstances.
In conclusion, Sefardim may recite all of the Berachos, while Ashkenazim should listen to the birchos hatorah being recited by others unless they have slept for at least half an hour since the previous morning.
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