Sunday, 11 August 2024

Beracha on a Borrowed Tallis

Question: I am single and do not wear a tallis while davening. Do I need to recite a beracha when I wear one to daven from the amud or for an aliya?

Answer: The Aruch Hashulchan (OC 91:2) and Kaf Hachaim (OC 147:4) state that one who receives an aliya (or any other kibbud) should wear a tallis out of respect for the tzibbur. The Magen Avraham (14:1) quotes the Rosh, who indicates that one who wears a tallis to lead the davening or to duchen should recite a beracha.

The Mishna Berura (14:11; Biur Halacha 14:3) addresses a machlokes regarding whether one should recite a beracha when borrowing a tallis. This issue specifically concerns borrowing a friend’s tallis. However, one does recite a beracha when wearing a tallis that belongs to the shul, as the tallis is partly considered his. He therefore suggests that it is preferable to borrow a friend’s tallis to avoid the safek of reciting a beracha (see Har Zvi OC 17).

Nevertheless, the Kaf Hachaim (OC 14:14, quoting the Ben Ish Chai), R’ Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichos Shlomo, Tefilla 3:12), R’ Ephraim Greenblatt (Rivevos Ephraim 5:14:2), and R’ Menashe Klein (Mishne Halachos 9:234) maintain that one does not recite a beracha even when wearing a shul tallis for an aliya

. R’ Greenblatt explains that the shul tallis was not necessarily purchased on behalf of the shul members but was likely an old tallis that someone no longer needed.

In conclusion, one recites a beracha when wearing their own tallis. However, one who borrows a tallis to daven for the amud or for an aliya does not recite a beracha.

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