Wednesday 10 July 2024

Drying Hands During the Beracha

Question: I learned that one shouldn’t perform any action while reciting berachos, yet I see many people drying their hands while reciting al netilas yadayim. Is this permitted?

Answer: The Gemara (Pesachim 7b) teaches that one should recite the beracha before performing a mitzva. Accordingly, the Shulchan Aruch (OC 158:11) states that one should recite ‘al netilas yadayim’ before washing one’s hands. One should first rub their hands to ensure that they are clean. However, the Rema writes that since the mitzva is not complete until the hands are dried, the beracha should be recited between washing and drying them. The Mishna Berura (158:41) notes that this is the accepted practice.

The Rema also indicates that if one forgets to recite the beracha before drying their hands, it can still be said afterward. The Mishna Berura (158:44) explains that ‘al netilas yadayim’ is different from other berachos because it cannot be said earlier due to the potential uncleanliness of one’s hands. However, the Ben Ish Chai (Shemini 1:7) asserts that the beracha cannot be recited after the hands are dried.

The Mordechai (Pesachim 539) suggests that the beracha should be recited while drying the hands. In contrast, the Ben Ish Chai emphasizes that one should avoid performing any action, including drying one’s hands, while reciting the beracha. Nonetheless, R' Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (Salmas Chaim 15) and R' Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichos Shlomo, Tefilla 22:29) defend this practice, explaining that drying the hands is an essential part of the mitzva of netilas yadayim.

In conclusion, it is ideal to wash one’s hands, recite the beracha, and then dry their hands. However, one should not criticize those who dry their hands while reciting the beracha.

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