Question: I learned that I am not supposed to perform melacha while the menora candles are burning. Does that mean I cannot fry latkes?
Answer: The Gemara (Shabbos 23a) teaches that while lighting the menora
is a time-bound mitzva which women are normally exempt from, they share the
same obligation to light the menora as they were also involved in the
miracle of Chanuka. The rishonim debate what miracle the
Gemara is referring to. According to Rashi this refers to the abolition of the
threat that brides were under, while according to the Ran (Shabbos 10a) it was
the famous incident of Yochanan’s daughter, Yehudis, who killed the Chief
General (see Rema OC 670:2).
The Shulchan Aruch (OC 670:1) writes that women should not do any melacha while
the menora lights are burning. The Taz (OC 670:2) compares Yehudis’ actions to the women who did not
participate in the Golden Calf, for which they were rewarded with Rosh Chodesh. Accordingly,
this restriction only applies to women. R’ Yaakov Emden (Mor Uketzia OC 670) points out, however, that the story
of Yehudis occurred hundreds of years earlier during the time of the first Beis
The Vilna Gaon
(Biur Hagra OC 670:1) suggests that this minhag serves to remind us not
to benefit from the menora’s lights. R’ Ephraim Greenblatt (Rivevos Ephraim 5:434) writes that accordingly,
this restriction should apply equally to men. The minhag however, is that only women need to refrain from melacha
(See Mor Uketzia ibid., Mishna Berura 670:3).
While the Magen Avraham (670:2) writes that this applies so long as the lights are burning, the Elya Rabba (670:1), Mishna Berura (670:4) and Kaf Hachaim (OC
670:8) write that this only applies for the first half hour.
R’ Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichos Shlomo, Chanuka
16:n14) maintained that while one should avoid melachos such as laundry
and sewing, one can fry latkes, etc. if necessary (see Ben Ish Chai, Vayeshev -
Chanuka 1:27; Rivevos Ephraim 1:436; 3:163).
In conclusion, the minhag is for women to avoid doing housework for the first half hour that the menora is alight. It is preferable for men to do kitchen work then, rather than women.
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