Question: After consultation with my Doctor and Rabbi, I will not be fasting on Tisha B'Av or the other Rabbinical fasts. As one of the few kohanim in my Shul, I often get an aliya. Can I receive an aliya?
Answer: The
Shulchan Aruch (OC 566:6) writes that the practice is that one who is not
fasting should not receive an aliya on Tisha B'Av. The Magen Avraham
(566:8) argues that if the taanis falls on a Monday or Thursday, one may
be called up during Shacharis, as there would have been leining that day,
regardless. Nevertheless, the Mishna Berura (566:19) notes that other acharonim
maintain that one who is not fasting should not receive an aliya even on
Monday or Thursday.
Following a personal incident when
he had to eat, the Chasam Sofer (OC 157) writes that this halacha does
not apply on Tisha B’Av. Just as one does not go looking for a kohen who
has not eaten bread to lead the bentching, so too we are not obligated
to honour a kohen who is not fasting with the first aliya. This
does not prevent one who has eaten from receiving an aliya, however.
Additionally, the leining on a taanis tzibbur applies to the
whole community, regardless as to whether one is fasting or not. Even one who
must eat, must still not eat more than necessary, and must observe the other
Nonetheless, the Mishna Berura and
Aruch Hashulchan (OC 566:11) disagree, writing that aliyos should only
be given to those fasting (See Rivevos Ephraim 3:382:2). However, if one did
receive an aliya, they should go up, as while this is a minhag,
there is no prohibition involved.
conclusion, one who is not fasting should try not to get called up for an aliya.
If he is the only kohen, he should leave the Shul to allow a Yisrael
who is fasting to be called up instead.
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