Answer: The Mishna (Berachos 9:2) writes that one
recites the beracha shehecheyanu upon building a new
house or buying new items. The Shulchan Aruch (OC 223:3) adds that this applies equally to buying
an old house. The Mishna Berura (223:11) notes that when one is buying a family
home that will benefit multiple people, one says hatov vehametiv
The Sheiltos (1:1) mentions that there is also an ancient minhag
to invite others to a party when completing a house. The Magen Avraham (568:5) writes
that it is only considered to be a seudas mitzva if one buys a home in
Eretz Yisrael. He quotes the Maharshal (Yam Shel Shlomo, Bava Kama 7:37)
who writes that for such a party in chutz la’aretz to be considered a seudas
mitzva, one must ensure that they share divrei Torah there (See Kaf
Hachaim OC 223:19; 568:25).
R’ Malkiel Tannenbaum (Divrei Malkiel 1:3:8; 4:8)
disagrees, however, writing that the Sheiltos and other early sources do not
differentiate between buying a new house in Eretz Yisrael or in chutz
la’aretz, and a party celebrating a new house would be considered a seudas
mitzva regardless.
R’ Ephraim of Luntschitz
(Ollelos Ephraim 2:107) writes that as
the sefira is such an overwhelming time, one should avoid saying shehecheyanu
during this period. The Mishna Berura (493:2) writes that while one
shouldn’t increase one’s simcha during the sefira, one should say
shehecheyanu if the opportunity arises.
R’ Ovadia Yosef
(Yechave Daas 1:24) and R’ Ephraim Greenblatt (Rivevos Ephraim 1:227) however,
disagree, writing that the sefira is markedly different to the three
weeks which is a time of mourning for the churban. The sefira
is certainly an auspicious time, though not a sad one. One may, therefore,
recite shehecheyanu then. R’ Ovadia concedes, however, that one
shouldn’t look for such opportunities. Thus it is ideal to wait for Shabbos or
until after the sefira to wear new clothes.
The Piskei Teshuvos
(493:1) quotes both opinions and writes that ideally one should avoid moving
into a new house during this time.
In conclusion, while
one may say shehecheyanu during the sefira, one should
ideally wait until lag b’omer to make a chanukas habayis.
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