Sunday, 30 September 2018
Children getting Aliyos on Simchas Torah
Sunday, 23 September 2018
Rain on Sukkos
Question: What is the procedure for leaving the sukka if it rains?
Answer: The Mishna (Sukka 2:9) teaches us that
if it rains enough to ruin one’s food then one may leave their sukka.
While the Mishna writes that it is a bad sign if one has to leave due to rain,
the Aruch Hashulchan (OC 639:20) writes that this specifically applies in Eretz
Yisrael, but not in places where it is likely to rain. The Rema (OC 639:7) and
Aruch Hashulchan write that one who stays in the sukka when they are
exempt is considered to be unrefined (See Teshuvos Vehanhagos 2:304).
Nonetheless, the Rema (OC 639:5) writes that this halacha
does not apply on the first night, as if it is raining then, one must still
make kiddush and eat a kezayis of bread in the sukka.
According to the Mateh Ephraim (625:51), one should ideally eat a kebeitza.
While one who is mitztaer (uncomfortable) is usually
exempt from eating in the sukka, the Mishna Berura (639:35) explains
that according to the Rema, this exemption does not apply on the first night.
Then, one is obligated to eat in the sukka even if they are somewhat
uncomfortable, just like matza on seder night. As there are those
who disagree with the Rema and hold that one who is mitztaer is exempt
even on the first night, they should not recite leishev basukka so long
as it is raining. One should, therefore, wait until the rain stops to fulfil
this mitzva properly according to both views.
The Magen Avraham (OC 639:15) writes that one should wait
until chatzos for the rain to clear up if necessary. Nonetheless, the
Mishna Berura quotes the Shaarei Teshuva who writes that this is unnecessary,
especially as having to wait so long can ruin one’s simchas Yom Tov. Rather,
one should wait an hour or so, depending on whether one has young children or
guests, etc.
The Magen Avraham writes that if it is raining on the second
night, one can start the meal inside their house without having to wait for the
rain to clear. One should eat a kezayis of bread in the sukka at
the end of their meal, however. If it has stopped raining by then, then one
should say the beracha, leishev basukka (See Shaar Hatziyun
In conclusion, if it is raining on the first night of Sukkos, one should wait before starting their meal. How long they wait will depend on their circumstances, though they should not wait so long that it will ruin their simchas Yom Tov. When it is too late to wait any longer, they should recite kiddush and eat a kezayis of bread in the sukka without saying leishev, before closing the roof or going inside to continue the meal. If it does stop raining before chatzos, one should go back into the sukka to eat another kezayis of bread and say leishev, washing again if necessary. If it rains throughout any other meal over Sukkos then one should close the roof or go inside.
Sunday, 16 September 2018
Pills to Help One Fast
Sunday, 9 September 2018
Group Hataras Nedarim
Sunday, 2 September 2018
Early Selichos
Question: I have always found it difficult to
get up extra early for selichos before Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
though have read that they should not be recited after maariv. What
should I do?
Answer: The Shulchan Aruch (OC 581:1) writes that one
should say selichos at the break of dawn. The Magen Avraham
(565:5; 581:1)
and Mishna Berura (565:12) write that the end of the night is an auspicious
time for selichos. Thus one should not recite selichos before chatzos,
midnight, for Kabbalistic reasons.
R’ Ovadia Yosef (Yechave Daas 1:46) quotes the Chida
(Birkei Yosef OC 581:1) who explains that this time is one of din¸
judgement, rather than rachamim, mercy. This is so important, that if
one is present when others are saying selichos at this time, they should
not participate. According to the Chida (ibid.) it would be better not to say selichos
at all than to say it at this time of night (See Mateh Ephraim 581:20; Rav
Pealim OC 2:2). While there are poskim who write that we follow the
timing of chatzos in Yerushalayim which would allow those West of Eretz
Yisrael to say selichos earlier, R’ Ovadia says that we follow other poskim
who disagree with this.
Nonetheless, the Aruch Hashulchan (OC 581:4) notes that nowadays
it is common for people not to recite selichos until much later when it
is already properly light outside.
R’ Moshe Feinstein (Igros Moshe OC 2:105) acknowledges that
the ideal time to recite selichos is after chatzos though writes
that there is no mention of this throughout the Gemara. Thus, one who will not
be able to recite selichos early in the morning may do so at
night, though should preferably do so after the 10th halachic hour
or 2 hours before chatzos, as the Shulchan Aruch (OC 1:2) writes
that this is also an auspicious time (See Mishmeres Shalom 41:4).
In conclusion, the ideal time to recite selichos is between
dawn and shacharis. While Sefardim should avoid reciting selichos
early at night, Ashkenazim who find it too difficult to do so may do so,
ideally after the 10th halachic hour.