Is it appropriate to shave before shacharis?
The Mishna (Shabbos 9b) writes that one mustn’t cut one’s hair before davening mincha
as we are concerned that they will forget to daven.
Shulchan Aruch (OC 89:7) writes that this prohibition does not extend to before
shacharis as it isn’t common for people to have a haircut so early in
the morning (See Rambam, Tefilla 6:7).
Nonetheless, the
Elya Rabba (89:12) explains that this refers to the time before alos
hashachar. All work, including haircuts, is forbidden after that time
before one davens. Thus, the Mishna Berura (89:36) writes that one can’t have a
haircut after alos hashachar before shacharis.
He concedes, however, that it is sufficient to just say the birchos hashachar
first for activities that one regularly gets up early to perform.
R’ Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichos Shlomo, Tefilla 2:7)
writes that one shouldn’t shave before shacharis as it is
no different from taking a haircut (See Ohr Letzion 2:7:9).
However, the Piskei Teshuvos (89:24) writes
that people who shave regularly may do so before shacharis
as we don’t need to be worried that they will get distracted and miss davening.
Similarly, R’ David Yosef (Halacha Berura
89:36) allows it, writing that there’s a difference between having a haircut
and shaving, etc. (See Rivevos Ephraim 1:66).
In conclusion, while it is preferable to shave at other
times, one who shaves regularly may do so before shacharis. Ideally,
one should say birchos hashachar beforehand.
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