Question: I
inadvertently bought some yellow peppers that are from Israel. What should I do
with them?
Answer: There is a machlokes
in the Gemara (Moed Katan 2b) as to whether the observance of shemitta
nowadays is mideoraisa or miderabanan. According to the Ramban
(Sefer Hazechus, Gittin 36) and the Raavad (Shemitta Veyovel 1:11) shemitta
nowadays is mideoraisa, while according to the Baal Hamaor (Sefer
Haterumos 45) it is only a midas chassidus (pious act). Most rishonim
(Rashi; Tosafos, Gittin 36a) though, understand shemitta nowadays to be miderabanan
(See Gra YD 331:6).
Regardless, during the shemitta
year, we are forbidden to do business with shemitta produce (Avoda
Zara 62a), to destroy it (Pesachim 52b) and to remove it from Israel (See Igros
Moshe OC 1:186).
As opposed to fruit, even
though most of the vegetable growth may have been before shemitta, the
determining stage for vegetables is the time it was picked. Thus, as the
peppers you bought were picked in shemitta, all the rules of shemitta
produce apply. For a full list, see
As one isn’t allowed to
destroy shemitta produce, one can’t simply throw one’s leftover shemitta
food away. Rather, one must place it in a designated place until it rots and
becomes inedible before disposing of it.
Some poskim (Rabbeinu
Tam, Tosafos, Sukka 39b) forbid one to eat produce that has been guarded and
worked on (shamur vene’evad), while others allow one to benefit from
such produce (See Igros Moshe OC 1:186).
Modern day poskim thus
advise that either one eats such produce and disposes carefully of any
leftovers, letting them rot first, or disposing of them all in such a way
without partaking of them.
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