(Pesachim 2a) and Ran (Pesachim 1a) maintain that bedikas chametz is deoraisa. Tosafos (Pesachim 2a) argues
that it must be derabanan, as one can technically avoid owning chametz
by being mevatel (nullifying) it.
The Bach and Magen Avraham (OC 431:1) write
that one should begin one’s search after shekiah. Most follow the Mishna
Berura (431:1), however, who writes that one should begin promptly at nacht.
One should not learn or eat (a meal) for half an hour beforehand, as doing so
may cause one to forget to search. While the Mishna Berura (431:8) brings
reasons both for and against davening Maariv first, he maintains that
ideally one should.
While one needs to search all of one’s
cupboards, too (unless they are being sold), one can rely somewhat on them
having been checked previously (Daas Torah
433:2; Shaar Hatziyun 432:12).
Many follow the Arizal’s minhag of
having someone else hide ten pieces of chametz around the house before bedikas
chametz. The Taz (OC 432:4) dismisses this custom and writes that one
should not do so, out of fear that one may get lost. Nonetheless, the
Mishna Berura (432:13) writes that one should not abandon this minhag, and
in Shaar Hatziun (432:12) writes that when one has already checked the house
for chametz, one must hide a few pieces in order to avoid
making a bracha levatala. It also serves to encourage one to check
properly around their house.
These pieces should be small (less than a kezayis),
sealed in a plastic bag, and their locations recorded to avoid any being lost.
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