Question: Are we just supposed to wash the tips of our fingers when washing mayim acharonim?
Answer: The Beis Yosef (OC 181:8) quotes Rabbeinu Bachye (Shulchan
Shel Arba 1:1) who writes that there are thirteen differences between netilas
yadayim for bread and mayim acharonim. One difference is that while
one needs to wash all of one’s hands before eating bread, one only needs to
wash one’s fingers for mayim acharonim.
Nonetheless, he writes that we pasken
like the Rashba (Torah Habayis 6:1 69a) who writes that one only needs to wash
until the second joint of one’s fingers.
The Beis Yosef (OC 181:8) lists
another one of Rabbeinu Bachye’s differences. While one needs a revi’is for netilas
yadayim, there is no specific shiur
for how much water to use for mayim acharonim.
The Kaf Hachaim (OC 181:6) writes
that one should be particular to only use a few
drops of water for Kabbalistic reasons. Likewise, it is commendable to remove
the used water (ibid. 8).
However, the Ashkenazi
poskim disagree. The Mishna Berura (181:10) and Aruch Hashulchan (OC
181:7) both criticize those who just wash the tips of their fingers, writing
that one needs to wash the top two joints of one’s fingers. While the Vilna
Gaon (Maaseh Rav 84) maintained that one must use a revi’is and wash
with a kli, the other acharonim do not require this.
In conclusion,
while some Sefardim should use the small mayim acharonim sets
that are both small and hide the used water, Ashkenazim
who wash, should wash with a regular cup or in a sink.