Question: This is the first time we are making seder. Both my mother and mother-in law have always fried schnitzel for seder night though I see that this is not common. Is this wrong?
Answer: The Gemara (Pesachim 53a) teaches that
one may only eat roasted meat on seder night in places where it is
customary to do so. Otherwise, it is forbidden to do so. Rashi explains that
doing so gives the mistaken impression that one is partaking of the korban
pesach outside the holy places. The Shulchan Aruch (OC 476:2) writes that
this prohibition extends to roasted fowl, too. The Mishna Berura (476:9) writes
that one may eat roasted fish and eggs, however, as we are not concerned that
people will mistake those for roasted lamb.
The Gemara (Pesachim 41a) teaches that there is a machlokes
as to whether the korban pesach can be roasted in a pot. Rambam (Korban
Pesach 8:8) rules that one mustn’t cook the lamb, whether before or after
roasting it. The Aruch Hashulchan (OC 476:2) writes that as doing so
invalidates the korban pesach it should be permissible to eat any meat
cooked in a pot, even if roasted without any liquid. The Mishna Berura (476:1)
however disagrees, writing, that we do not eat such meat due to maris ayin.
R’ Shmuel Wosner (Shevet HaLevi 9:120:1) suggests that one adds a little extra
water so that the gravy is easy to see.
The Piskei Teshuvos (476:1) writes that there is a machlokes
as to whether fried foods are considered to be cooked, and therefore,
permissible, or one should avoid them because they are considered to be
In conclusion, while many avoid fried meat or chicken on seder
night, one who has a custom to eat fried meat or chicken may continue doing