Question: I’ve heard conflicting things about
whether we should wear Shabbos clothes on Shabbos Chazon. What should we do?
Answer: The Shulchan Aruch (OC 551:1) writes
that we should limit our rejoicing from Rosh Chodesh Av. Thus, the Rema writes
that one shouldn’t wear Shabbos clothes on Shabbos Chazon (Shabbos before Tisha
The Mishna Berura (551:6) writes, however, that the Vilna
Gaon and Yaavetz both held that one should wear their Shabbos clothes as
normal (See Chayei Adam 333:1; Kaf Hachaim OC 551:13).
The Aruch Hashulchan (OC 551:11) explains that people wear
Shabbos clothes as one isn’t allowed to publicly display acts of mourning on
Shabbos (See Shulchan Aruch YD 400:1). He explains that the Rema was writing
about a time and place (Cracow, 16th Century) when one’s Shabbos
clothes typically looked no different to one’s weekday clothes even if they
were of better quality. In 19th Century Europe, however, where
people dressed differently on Shabbos than they did during the week, one who
didn’t wear their Shabbos clothes would be publicly displaying mourning.
He writes, however, that where one’s Shabbos and weekday
clothes are similar, one should wear one’s weekday clothes.
Especially as people are generally more fashion conscious
today, one who wore their weekday clothing on Shabbos Chazon would probably be
noticed. It is possible, therefore, that even the Rema would agree that
nowadays one should wear their Shabbos clothes.
In conclusion, one should wear one’s regular Shabbos clothes
on Shabbos as doing otherwise would be showing a public sign of mourning on