R’ Moshe Feinstein (Igros Moshe YD 3:23), however, quotes Rambam elsewhere (Kelim 2:1) who writes that the criteria for a container to be mekabel tumah is also that it is long lasting. Thus, even if one decides to reuse such a container, it will not require tevila. R’ Moshe does concede, however, that if one buys it with the intention to reuse it a few times (or later decides to use it a few more times), then one should tovel it without a Bracha.
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Tovelling Disposables
R’ Moshe Feinstein (Igros Moshe YD 3:23), however, quotes Rambam elsewhere (Kelim 2:1) who writes that the criteria for a container to be mekabel tumah is also that it is long lasting. Thus, even if one decides to reuse such a container, it will not require tevila. R’ Moshe does concede, however, that if one buys it with the intention to reuse it a few times (or later decides to use it a few more times), then one should tovel it without a Bracha.
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Please Remain Seated - Sitting during Leining
Sunday, 12 January 2014
How Many are Required for Chazaras Hashatz?
Answer: The
Shulchan Aruch (OC 124:4) states that the chazan should wait for nine
others to respond before beginning chazaras hashatz. If this requirement
is not met, it is considered close to making a beracha levatala.
However, elsewhere, the Shulchan Aruch (OC 55:6) appears to contradict this
ruling, stating that if one of the ten cannot respond because they are still davening
or have fallen asleep, they may still be included in the count.
The acharonim offer various
explanations to reconcile this apparent contradiction. The Magen Avraham (55:8)
concludes that nine respondents are not strictly required for chazaras
hashatz (see Taz OC 55:4, Aruch Hashulchan OC 55:13). On the other hand,
the Shulchan Aruch Harav (OC 55:7), Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (20:2), and Kaf
Hachaim (OC 55:48; 124:20) maintain that a full minyan is indeed
R’ Ephraim Greenblatt (Rivevos
Ephraim 3:145) explains that a minyan is required only for repeating chazaras
hashatz. For kaddish after maariv, it is sufficient to have
six men who have completed their amida, relying on others who may still
be davening or even asleep.
The Noda Biyehuda (EH 1:54) was
asked about a situation in which someone was mesader kiddushin without
confirming the presence of a minyan for the berachos. He ruled
that while lechatchila a minyan is required for all devarim
shebikedusha, bedieved, one fulfils the obligation even without a
full minyan. He cites the Talmud Yerushalmi (Megilla 30b) to support
this position: if some individuals leave in the middle of davening,
leaving fewer than ten people, the chazan may still continue.
R’ Shmuel Wosner (Shevet Halevi
4:14), however, questions this proof. He distinguishes between the requirement
to have a minyan at the start of chazaras hashatz, which brings
the Shechina, and the continuation of davening after the Shechina
is already present, even if one or two individuals leave.
In conclusion, the chazan should wait for nine others to respond before beginning chazaras hashatz. Nevertheless, in cases of necessity, one may rely on the lenient opinions (Tzitz Eliezer 12:9; Yalkut Yosef 124:14). For kaddish after maariv, it is sufficient to have six men who have finished their amida.